2nd Annual Appreciation Luncheon

A few of our advocates at our 2nd Annual Appreciation Luncheon!

Today we are here to celebrate you, the volunteers, and partners supporting our mission. You have voluntarily chosen to serve our community's children, and for that, you have made a difference.

Whether it be by providing a voice for a child, helping keep their cultural traditions strong and thriving, making sure our youth in the community have the proper support for their education, or just being a friend when you need one, you make a difference.

It does not matter how great or small…you have made a difference with the children in the 25th Judicial District.

CASA volunteers remain the most incredible voice for a child's best interests. We are here today to celebrate you and your best interest advocacy.


Many thanks to those who donated to our mission on MatchDay! Your generosity and kindness will go to support training advocates to be a child’s voice during their court case.

Thank you, Wheatland Electric and to all who voted for us in the challenge!


Pam became a CASA Volunteer in 2021. She is currently on her 3rd case and has really gone the extra mile, she not only drives 45 minutes from her current residence to Finney County for court but she was recently prasied by the county attorney’s office for her diligence in note taking and gathering important information in her current case. Pam is such a pleasure to work with, her positivity and willingness to help others makes her an asset to the organization. We’re happy to honor Pam’s comittment to children and families in todays spotlight on advocacy.

Lauren became a CASA Volunteer in April 2022.  Lauren is an elementary school teacher, and head Volleyball coach  for USD 466. Lauren was sworn in on her second case in May 2023, just shortly after her first case ended in March 2023.  In Lauren’s second case, CASA is the only agency assigned and this can present some challenges. However, Lauren has really stepped up to the plate and shown her willingness to do what it takes to advocate for the child. This is why we’re happy to honor Lauren’s commitment to children and families in todays spotlight on advocacy.


JULY 2022

Joyce became a certified CASA Volunteer in June 2021. She has a heart of gold!! Her time and commitment to CASA’s mission is a blessing. She’s featured here volunteering for “Stuff the Bus” gathering school supplies for kids in our community. Joyce is a retired 5th grade school teacher who occasionally subs for USD 466 in Scott City, KS. Her warm heart and smile bring happiness to the whole organization. We’re happy to honor Joyce’s commitment to children and families in today’s spotlight on advocacy.

Cyndi became a CASA volunteer in 2019.  She has had 4 cases and is on her 5th.  2 of those children found their forever home.  1 young lady aged out of the system and Cyndi helped her obtain her ID, drivers license and copies of her birth records so this young lady could enroll in college. Cyndi played an important part in making sure her CASA kids received permanency.  Cyndi is passionate, caring and willing to go the extra mile to advocate for her CASA kids.  We’re happy to honor Cyndi’s committment to children and families in todays spotlight on advocacy.

APRIL 2022

MARCH 2022

Deanna became a certified CASA volunteer in 2022. She received her first case on 3/18/22.  Deanna hit the pavement running.  Deanna retired this year after being employed with USD 457 and RCDC for the last 21 years. Deanna brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in education and child development.  We’re happy to have Deanna join the CASA family and honor her committment to children and families in todays spotlight on advocacy.

Jane Leitheiser became a CASA Volunteer in 2016. She has advocated for 12 children since becoming a CASA advocate.  An example of Jane’s commitment is her advocating that her CASA kids each have a bed.  Jane has been a teacher for over 20 years and taught special education for 14 years. We’re happy to honor Jane’s commitment to children and families in today’s spotlight on advocacy.



Chloe Bennett became a CASA Volunteer in 2021. Her first case happens to be a sibling group of 5. They have all benefitted from her advocacy efforts.   She is a person with great integrity, honesty, and a deep passion for children.  She has gone above and beyond to advocate for the children she is assigned to even in the most challenging of times.  She is a valuable asset to our organization.  We’re happy to honor Chloe and her commitment to children and families in today’s spotlight on advocacy.


BRITTNEY KNOLL became a CASA Volunteer in 2021.  She was assigned her first siblng group of 4 in April.  This case has been very challenging; however, Brittney has persevered and met these challenges head-on.  Her commitment and dedication to the family she is serving speaks volumes to her passion for advocacy. Thank you for your hard work Brittney, we’re happy to honor Brittney’s commitment to children and families in today’s spotlight on advocacy.


SHELLY GRAFF became a CASA volunteer in 2006. She's a person with great integrity who our organization can always count on. She's fearless in the courtroom and always advocates for her CASA kids even when others disagree with her. She leaves no stone unturned. She has demonstrated exceptional thoroughness, diligence, and persistence when conducting research, in CASA making the system respond to the needs of the child and recommendations as to the child’s best interests. We’re happy to honor Shelly’s commitment to children and families in today’s Spotlight on Advocacy.